Addmefast - Best Social Exchange Site - Bitcoin Earning Ways

Rabu, 8 November 2017


How can Payall system help?

Every company, which will join pre-ICO or ICO market can get a rating approval from PAYALL platformExpert’s council, which consists of top-10 major specialists in every branch (legal, economic, marketing, etc) will appropriate good ratings for companies.All trading partners , who work on PayAll will have good rating and recommendations from platform. Every participant will be able to choose any trading partner he wants to work with. His choice will be based on platform’s ratings and recommendations.PayAll platform works with all B2B clients. They pay 0,5 - 1,8% fee for an opportunity to work on platform(due to the contract)All clients of B2B brunch are free from all payments during work on platform.Anytime anyone can do any financial operations (exchange, cards, wallets, ets) on the platform.All transactions on the platform are coming through the PL-token. It means that any currency, which will convert external currency into PL-token (automatically through the PL exchange during the financial operations) will take part in transactions. As soon as operations are finished, you can move out from platform with any currency you want.


PayAll payment cards have their proper VISA and MasterCard emission are they are connected with private wallet. Plastic and virtual, with cryptocurrency payments.

All Visa and MasterCard loyalty systems are included. The number of proper partners and cashback from 1% to 10 % in form of PayAll tokens will increase. Using the card develop the common scoring rating, which has an effect on whole platform loyalty: outgiving the lending, higher benefit for investment, etc.


Single sigh-on is PayAll wallet. It provides comfortable administration of all financial operations: cash remittance, invests, credits. All is on your smartphone and web-site. Momentary conversion with the course you know and high level of trueness. Wallet owners can use other services and control their portfolio from common control pad.


You can complete all payment tasks by one mouse click. PayAll – arrange all your payments. It gives you opportunity to solve any financial problems with cryptocurrency and to work with all financial products on blockchain with only one platform. It contains wallets, cards, broker's boards, analytical systems, deposits, credits, ratings.


We have partner relationships with B2B sector, which serve blockchain clients in financial field. With this partnership we realize all platform’s tasks. It means that main financial institutions of blockchain will be represented on PayAll platform to realize B2B sector tasks.


Every project was scrupulously selected for PayAll. Own agency gives much odds, such as higher speed and security by identifying project's elaboration and profitableness for investors. Worldwide cryptocurrency crowdfunding is an issue of tokens by project, which were made for service or products payments in future in exchange for cryptocurrency, which has it's value now. As distinct from IPO, token customers don't get company's share and they can't weight with internal management decisions. This is another way of crowdfunding model realization, when partners invest in company's development today for getting benefits in future. Speed of investment is extremely high. That's why popular projects, which start ICO campaign can start using these resources very fast. By buying tokens investors want to get a benefit from token's resale at the bigger price in future or use their coupons in future for getting services at the lower price.ICO is a deal, based on trust.

Nowadays, a huge trouble is to exchange one cryptocurrency into another on a direct basis. It’s impossible to exchange fiat-currency into cryptocurrency and vice versa on a direct base. Instrument, which can converse fiat currency from one to another country is red taped. For another thing, during ICO investor can’t take part in campaign, if he doesn’t have a currency, which wants company, who have just come to ICO. PayAll will solve all these problems. That’s why all transactions have to go through the PLL-token. Financial operations are conducting and client can receive the result in any currency he wants. Service fee is 0,5 - 1,8% per operation. That is the way we solve the problems and all information about capitalization, currency movements and transaction is always in public access of company.