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Rabu, 31 Januari 2018

bitfinex dan usd tether (USDT)

Bloomberg telah memperbarui laporannya, yang menyatakan bahwa surat panggilan tersebut dikirim pada 6 Desember, bukan minggu lalu.

Cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex dan Tether, perusahaan di balik token USDT yang kontroversial, telah diminta oleh Komisi Perdagangan Berjangka Komoditi A.S., menurut sebuah laporan baru dari Bloomberg.

Mengutip sumber yang tidak disebutkan namanya, Bloomberg mengatakan bahwa CFTC telah mengirim permintaan ke kedua perusahaan tersebut. Berita tersebut muncul beberapa hari setelah CoinDesk melaporkan bahwa hubungan Tether dengan firma audit Friedman LLC telah 'dibubarkan,' meskipun masih belum jelas pihak mana yang berusaha untuk membatasi pekerjaan tersebut. Friedman telah mengerjakan audit dengan Tether, yang terkait erat dengan Bitfinex berbasis British Virgin Islands.

'Kami secara rutin menerima proses hukum dari agen penegak hukum dan regulator yang melakukan penyelidikan. Ini adalah kebijakan kami untuk tidak mengomentari permintaan tersebut,' kata perusahaan tersebut dalam sebuah pernyataan kepada Bloomberg. Seorang perwakilan menolak berkomentar lebih jauh.

Berita tersebut kemungkinan akan terus mengobarkan kontroversi seputar token USDT Tether, yang berfungsi sebagai semacam dolar sintetis. Kritikus berpendapat bahwa token tidak didukung pada rasio 1 sampai 1 dengan dolar AS sebagaimana dinyatakan lain dan bahwa token yang dihasilkan oleh Tether dalam beberapa minggu terakhir telah digunakan untuk meningkatkan harga bitcoin, terutama pada saat pasar berlangsung dan melemah.

Laporan tersebut juga memicu kekalahan dalam harga bitcoin, mengirimkannya di bawah $ 10.000 saat berita muncul tentang surat panggilan CFTC. Pada waktu tekan, harga bitcoin diperdagangkan pada $ 9,957.88.

sumber coindesk

Jumaat, 26 Januari 2018


INFO!! Cavallo Coin bisa buat belanja di Alfamart, Indomart, KFC dll

Salam Sahabat
Cavallo Coin sdh Resmi bekerjasama dengan JVClub, dimana JCclub ini punya aplikasi Gpoin2U yang bisa buat belanja di ratusan Merchant2, lihat semua merchantnya dsini >>

Register Cavallocoin >>

CavalloCoin (COC) bisa ditukar denagn Gpoin2u untuk belanja atau Tarik Tunai via ATM bersama.

ICO Cavallo Coin
- Rate saat ini $2.7
- Total ICO : 5,000,000 COC
- Sisa Hari ini 1,000,000 COC
- 500,000 harga $2.7 dan 500,000 harga $2.8
- Beli Coin bisa Via BTC atau ke Promotor via Bank Lokal, Rate 13.500/$1
- Minimum beli 20 Coin
- Meski masih ICO tp Wallet sdh tersedia dan bisa transfer antar Wallet, artinya di masa ICO sdh bisa jual beli antar pengguna

a). ICO berakhir sampai  22 February 2018
b). Rate Fix 23 February $5 per coin
c). Auto lending 100% tgl 23 February 2018
d). Internal Exchange bulan Juni 2018
e). Rate Fix bulan agustus 2018 $100 per coin
f). Rate Fix bulan February 2019 $1,000 per coin

Beberapa Kelebihan Cavallo Coin
a). Auto Lending 100% dengan rate $5, ini mencegah terjadinya harga coin Dumping saat Lending dibuka. Setelah habis Kontrak Lending maka Modal dikembalikan dlm bentuk coin dengan jumlah sama sesuai Awal dan saat itu Anda bisa jual dengan harga $100/coin.

Contoh : Anda beli 100 coin hari ini dengan total modal sekitar $270, kemudian tgl 23 Feb 2018 otomatis masuk Investasi Program Lending $500 dan mendapatkan profit tiap hari 0.5% - 0.9%, setelah 177 hr modal dikembalikan sebesar 100 COC, saat itu Anda bisa jual dengan harga $100/COC, 100 x $100 = $10,000 bisa cairkan via ATM atau ditukar ke GPoin dan dibelnjakan di 320 Merchant

b). Bekerjasama dengan JVClub yang sudah punya Legalitas jelas dan berdiri sudah 15 bulan

c). Coin bisa Convert ke Gpoin2u dan bisa buat belanja di Ratusan  Merchant setelah lending berjalan, artinya Anda bisa membelanjakan hasil profit Lending Anda

d). Coin bisa Convert ke E-money, E-Tol dll setelah lending berjalan, artinya Anda bisa membayar Tol dll dari hasil profit Lending Anda

e). Akan dapat ATM CavalloCoin segera setelah Lending Dibuka, agar Anda bisa menarik profit Lending lewat ATM Bersaama, berlogo Visa dan Berlogo Mastercard

Ahad, 21 Januari 2018



Sabtu, 20 Januari 2018


1.Open and Run the XUV-qt.exe wallet for the first time.
2.Your firewall and antivirus might pop up to allow connection. Please allow the connections by making appropriate tick marks.
3.In the lower left hand corner of the User Interface, you will see “Synchronizing with network” and other sync messages each time you open your XUV Wallet. If there is a problem synchronizing, it may say “No Block Source Available” instead. If this happens, just close and re-open the wallet until it synchronizes.
4.Go to Help -> Debug Console.
5.In the Console window enter getaccountaddress 0 and copy the result. This is your MASTERNODE DEPOSIT ADDRESS, where you will deposit the coins to create a masternode. Pay 3000 XUV exactly into this address. No more, no less.
-·Wait for the 1 confirmation of the transaction.
6.In the Console Debug window enter masternode genkey and copy the result. This is your MASTERNODE PRIVKEY.
7.Open Configuration File in Notepad. This config file is located at C:/users/***Your windows username***/appdata(hidden)/roaming/XUV Then paste in the following.
8.Now save and close the config file.
9.Close the wallet by going to File -> Exit.
Open the XUV Wallet again by running XUV-qt.exe. This is how you will always start the wallet going forward.
10. Wait for 15 confirmations of the transaction of 3000 coins.
Go to Tools -> Debug Console. Enter masternode start. You will see the response “Masternode started successfully”. Congratulations, your masternode is now running.
Now click the Masternodes tab that is now visible. You should see your new masternode appear in the list with the status PRE_ENABLE.
This will change to ENABLED after a small amount of time. All masternodes need to be active for a certain amount of blocks before they are recognized by the network and eligible for rewards.
The port should be shown open in
Multiple Masternodes setup Guide
Step-by-step guide for starting multiple masternodes (3 masternodes in this example)
- XUV wallet running on your local computer with at least 3000 XUV coins for every masternode
- white static IP with open ports for masternodes
1.Open and Run the XUV-qt.exe wallet for the first time.
2.Your firewall and antivirus might pop up to allow connection. Please allow the connections by making appropriate tick marks.
3.In the lower left hand corner of the User Interface, you will see “Synchronizing with network” and other sync messages each time you open your XUV Wallet. If there is a problem synchronizing, it may say “No Block Source Available” instead. If this happens, just close and re-open the wallet until it synchronizes.
STEP 1 : Preparing masternodes
1 - Choose the place where you will hold your masternodes dirs (you need 1Gb free space for every masternode)
2 - Create folder "XUVMN1" there (example in C: drive)
3 - Copy file "XUV-qt.exe" in folder "XUVMN1"
4 - Create in folder "XUVMN1" new folder "data"
XUV folder is located at C:/users/***Your windows username***/appdata(hidden)/roaming/XUV
5 - Copy file "blk0001.dat" and folder "txleveldb" from the above folder into the created folder "data"
6 - Rename "XUV-qt.exe" to the "XUV-mn1.exe"
7 - Press Win+R and type "cmd" and press Enter
8 - Now type there:
echo start XUV-mn1.exe -datadir=./data > %homepath%/Desktop/startmn1.cmd
9 - Move file "startmn1.cmd" from Desktop to the "XUVMN1" folder
10 - Repeat the process from step 2 for each masternode you want to created, with changing mn1 to mn2, mn3
11 - Run startmn1.cmd, startmn2.cmd and startmn3.cmd, wait for complete loading wallets and complete syncing with blockchain
12 - Now you can exit from each running masternode wallets
Now you can follow the same steps of single masternode guide
4.Go to Help -> Debug Console.
5.In the Console window enter getaccountaddress 0 and copy the result. This is your MASTERNODE DEPOSIT ADDRESS, where you will deposit the coins to create a masternode. Pay 3000 XUV exactly into this address. No more, no less.
-·Wait for the 1 confirmation of the transaction.
6.In the Console Debug window enter masternode genkey and copy the result. This is your MASTERNODE PRIVKEY.
7.Open Configuration File in Notepad. This config file is located at C:/users/***Your windows username***/appdata(hidden)/roaming/XUV Then paste in the following.
8.Now save and close the config file.
9.Close the wallet by going to File -> Exit.
Open the XUV Wallet again by running XUV-qt.exe. This is how you will always start the wallet going forward.
10. Wait for 15 confirmations of the transaction of 3000 coins.
Go to Tools -> Debug Console. Enter "masternode start" in all the wallet's consoles. You will see the response “Masternode started successfully”. Congratulations, your masternode is now running.
All masternodes need to be active for a certain amount of blocks before they are recognized by the network and eligible for rewards.

Jumaat, 19 Januari 2018


Octoin menawarkan peluang investasi dengan memberikan platform yang cukup berbeda dengan situs investasi lainnya, misalnya Hextra Coin, Oaclend Coin maupun Ucoin Cash. Jika pada situs lainnya terkenal dengan istilah “lending”, di Octoin mereka menyebutnya dengan istilah sederhana yaitu “trading”. Trading yang dimaksud di sini adalah trading dengan menggunakan trading bot. Sebenarnya proses tersebut adalah sama dengan melakukan lending di situs investasi lainnya, dimana dana tersebut juga dikelola dengan menggunakan trading bot.
Investasi trading di Octoin juga memberikan peluang untuk mendapatkan penghasilan yang berupa profit harian kurang lebih 1% dari modal investasi dan siap withdraw. Nominal yang kurang lebih sama dengan investasi sejenis lainnya.
Perbedaan yang paling mencolok dari Octoin adalah mereka memberikan pilihan currency atau crypto untuk lending. Dimana hasil yang didapatkan nantinya adalah sesuai dengan apa yang diinvestasikan. Sampai dengan tulisan ini dibuat, mereka telah memberikan 7 pilihan investasi yaitu USD, BTC, ETH, LTC, DASH, ZEC dan OCC. Sedangkan di situs lainnya mereka hanya menerima investasi yang dihitung dalam USD.
OCC adalah token yang dikeluarkan oleh Octoin dan sangat direkomendasikan sebagai crypto yang diinvestasikan. Karena jika nanti OCC yang disediakan di “Bank OCC” telah mencapai jumlah penjualan yang maksimal, maka dipastikan harga akan naik. Sementara ini OCC dijual dengan harga $1 per token.
Jumlah minimal untuk lending di Octoin juga cukup terjangkau, yaitu minimal $10 per sekali investasi. Jumlah tersebut terbilang cukup rendah, karena di situs lainnya ada yang memberikan batas minimal hingga $100 per sekali investasi.
Bukan hanya itu saja, jangka waktu investasi yang disediakan juga diberikan pilihan. Investor bisa menentukan jangka waktu portofolio yang mereka inginkan. Mulai dari 30 hari sampai dengan 150 hari. Portofolio tersebut tidak ditentukan oleh besar nominal investasi. Akan tetapi portofolio tersebut menentukan besar profit harian yang dibutuhkan oleh para investor. Semakin lama jangka waktu investasi yang dipilih, maka akan semakin besar profit harian yang diperoleh para investor.
Cara deposit di Octoin juga diberikan banyak kemudahan. Investor diperbolehkan menggunakan BTC, ETH, USD, XRP, DOGE, BCC dan masih banyak lagi. Wallet crypto tersebut disediakan dengan cukup mudah hanya dengan menambahkan wallet di dashboard investor. Wallet tersebut berkerja dengan baik dan prima.
Selain cara menukar berbagai macam crypto dengan menggunakan OCCOctcoin juga menyediakan fasilitas “P2P Exchange”. Disini para member bisa melakukan pertukaran dan tawar-menawar mata uang mereka secara mandiri dengan sangat aman, meskipun tidak kenal satu sama lain. Karena proses tukar menukar tersebut dilakukan secara langsung di dalam situs dan wallet yang berada di Octoin. Para member bisa menawarkan coin yang mereka punya beserta harganya dan coin apa yang mereka harapkan untuk didapat.
Nah, dengan menawarkan platform yang cerdik dan inovatif tersebut, Octoin tentu saja mempunyai peluang menjadi salah satu perusahaan investasi online yang besar dan terkenal. Tidak ada salahnya Investor mempelajari dan mempertimbangkan peluang emas tersebut.

Khamis, 18 Januari 2018

Changes coming for the Bitconnect system - Halt of lending and exchange platform

Changes coming for the Bitconnect system - Halt of lending and exchange platform
This is to inform all community members that we are closing the Bitconnect lending and exchange platform. We are closing the lending operation immediately with the release of all outstanding loans. With release of your entire active loan in the lending wallet we are transferring all your lending wallet balance to your BitConnect wallet balance at 363.62 USD. This rate has been calculated based on last 15 days averages of the closing price registered on You are free to withdraw your BitConnect coin currently in QT wallets that was used for staking as well. We are also closing BCC exchange platform in 5 days.  In short, we are closing lending service and exchange service while website will operate for wallet service, news and educational purposes.
The reason for halt of lending and exchange platform has many reasons as follow:
  • The continuous bad press has made community members uneasy and created a lack of confidence in the platform.
  • We have received two Cease and Desist letters, one from the Texas State Securities Board, and one from the North Carolina Secretary of State Securities Division. These actions have become a hindrance for the legal continuation of the platform.
  • Outside forces have performed DDos attacks on platform several times and have made it clear that these will continue. These interruptions in service have made the platform unstable and have created more panic inside the community.
Closing the lending and exchange platform doesn’t mean that we will stop supporting BitConnect coin. Closing the lending platform will allow Bitconnect to be listed on outside exchanges giving more options for trading.
We will keep working to make BitConnect coin available to merchant websites providing them API access to accept BitConnect Coins on their platforms.
BitConnect X ICO is still functional and we are building an exchange platform on the BitConnect X website. With BitConnect X operating as an exchange platform, BitConnect Coin (BCC) will be listed there.
This is not the end of this community, but we are closing some of the services on the website platform and we will continue offering other cyptocurrency services in the future.
Best Regards,

Rabu, 17 Januari 2018


The OnLive Platform revolutionises both the video broadcast and remote consultations markets. It offers unlimited scalability and availability utilising Blockchain Technology and a completely decentralised Peer-to-Peer network. Anyone can contribute to the system if they have the processing power and bandwidth. Smart incentivisation of these contributions guarantees decentralisation and creates a new economy driven by ONL tokens.


Q1 2018
Bulking up marketing and communication activities connected to the platform. Create Team.On.Live Launch of Pre ICO and ICO - Tocken distribution, waiting for registration of tokens on crypto exchanges. Preparation for launching the platform On.Live

Q2 2018
Launching the platform, recruiting the first critical mass of users / broadcasters in the UK and US. Launching a one-to-one broadcast module (WEB) , PPV, PPM, PPD, PPE Escrow, Smart Contract, ONL Market, Pay.On.Live,Partnerships.ONL token is an integral element of the OnLive Platform. It is used as a fee currency of broadcasts and it is the only payment option.

Q3 2018
Launch one to many broadcasts (WEB), public broadcasts (centralized version), all Pay models.Looking for Transoding partners all over the world

Q4 2018
Generic widening of activity into new sectors increases the number of users / broadcasters, setting up additional language versions. Setting up the version of mobile version (IOS and Android) of the application for one-to-one module. Real time Smart Contract, ESCROW, Pay.On.Live

H1 2019
Decentralized, open one on one a live streaming ecosystem. enable one-to-one transmission and build any onlive-based application. Decentralized, open one on one a live streaming ecosystem. enable one-to-one transmission and build any onlive-based application

H2 2019
OnLive one to many public broadcasts, code open for everyone. Allow any broadcaster to send a live video into the network, transcoded into various formats and bitrates and sell it.

H1 2020
Full Decentralized Live services and any public broadcastsno censorship.Allow participants to contribute their processing power and bandwidth in service of transcoding and distribution of video, and to be compensated accordingly


How many ONL tokens are distributed through the token crowdsale?
Maximum supply: 111,000,000 ONL
Tokens available in Pre-ICO: 12,210,000 ONL
Tokens available in ICO: 61,050,000 ONL

What is the Token sale duration?
Pre-ICO:2018-01-22 - 2018-02-22
ICO:2018-03-11 - 2018-04-11

What happens if scheduled tokens are not all distributed until the end of sale?
All unsold Tokens will be burnt.

What is the minimum participation amount?
Minimum participation amount is 0.1 ETH.

When will I receive my tokens?
Tokens will be distributed immediately from the Crowdsale Smart Contract within the Ethereum transaction of your contribution. You should see them in your wallet after a few confirmations of the Ethereum network.

How can I get Ethereum?
Purchasing Ethereum can be done easily at any of the Ethereum exchanges such as Coinbase, Kraken etc. Once Ether has been purchased (for fiat: USD, EUR, GBP or crypto: BTC), the funds should be transferred to your own secure wallet.

Can I buy ONL Tokens using wallet created on cryptocurrency exchange?
Absolutely not. All ICO purchases should be made with use of your private and secure Ethereum wallet. Purchased tokens will be sent back at your initially used address so it is important to make transaction from your own wallet.

How high should be gas limit for transaction?
To make smooth & fast transaction without rejection, set GAS LIMIT to 200,000 and GAS PRICE to 50 GWEI or more. You can check recommended GAS PRICE at

What will happen if I joined with a smaller amount than declared in minimum participation amount ?
All amounts below the minimum participation amount will be sent back.

How Many ONL Tokens will I receive?
Over 610.5 ONL tokens are distributed per 1 ETH without bonuses. The number is much higher for early participants with bonuses up to 30%.

What will happen if I send the Ethereum to the wrong address?
If ETH will be sent to wrong address you will not be able to return it. Please double check the address of your transactions before taking part in tokensale. The On.Live company will not be responsible for token loss.

ETH was sent to the correct address, but I can not see the tokens. Why?
You need to wait for confirmation of the transaction. Usually transactions are confirmed after 20 seconds, but in some cases it may take longer. If you want to check transaction status, use its hash to find it at

Is there AML/KYC process?
There is no such verification mechanisms. Accepting Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are only requirements for participating in token sale.

Do you offer any bonuses during Pre-ICO and ICO?
Users registered in the Pre-ICO phase:

30% Bonus on any purchase amount Users registered in the ICO phase
1-11 days 20%
11-22 days 11%
What is the purpose of the ONL Token?
ONL token is designed to incentivise decentralized computing required for scaling of the platform. Consumers will pay fees to transcoders and relays with ONL tokens. It is also used as the only means of payment within the platform for content providers.

When can I exchange an ONL tokens on cryptocurrencies exchanges?
All ONL tokens will start to be transferable on 11 May 2018. After that date availability of ONL on the market depends on how fast exchanges add ONL to their markets. We will do our best to make ONL tokens available on as many exchanges as possible.





Live services

The marketplace gives service providers the ability to sell their services to anyone who needs them. It enables scheduling of live broadcasts, broadcasting in HD quality in real time, convenient billing, chat and dedicated offers, as well as ONL tokens payments.
This applies to many industries - Lawyers, Doctors, Weight Loss, Job seeking, Fitness, Education, Insurance, Language Learning, Financial advice, etc.

Live Broadcasts

Enables service providers to deliver HD live broadcasts to an unlimited number of viewers, billing on pay-per-minute and pay-per-view models and scheduling future live broadcasts.